If anybody thinks the current riots erupting around the United States are just a reaction to the tragic death of George Floyd, or an uprising against racism in this country, they're worse than fools. They're deluded idiots. They're blind to reality.
No "spontaneous riot" sees pallet-loads of bricks mysteriously dropped off in major city centers, precisely where rioters will be passing in a very short time. (There are innumerable reports and videos of them - see here for one on-the-spot recording.) You couldn't possibly ask for stronger evidence of planning and organization behind the riots. I also note that almost every city where rioting has broken out has been Democratic Party-controlled, with administrations that will reliably leash their police and security forces to give the rioters more or less free rein. Out of 39 cities I've seen reported, there's only one exception that I can identify so far.
(One does wonder what Organizing for America has been up to. I've heard from some of my cop friends in cities beset by unrest - the same friends who gave me the "straight dope" about cartel difficulties caused by the coronavirus - that OfA activists in their areas are behaving very suspiciously indeed. They also report that some OfA activists are already known to them from their activities and sympathies in support of Antifa, as well as organizations connected to and/or funded by the Open Society Foundations. Here's one example. What price cross-pollination of activists? My informants have proved accurate before, and I'm willing to bet they're accurate again. I'm also informed that their reports are being forwarded to a very high level indeed. Let's hope suitable action will result.)
Almost every TV station, newspaper or other mainstream outlet has tried to tie the riots to President Trump, blaming him for them (or for making them worse). The same goes for opinion and editorial columnists. It's even extended to fake pictures, seeking to tie the Minneapolis police officer to the Trump campaign. (On the other hand, I can't recall a single picture of the President throwing a rock, or taking a swing at a police officer, or breaking a window, or starting a fire in a business, or looting. Makes you wonder who the real criminals are, doesn't it?) What's more, social media appears to be allowing rioters and criminals to coordinate their activities, selecting targets and encouraging others to attack them - while those same social media are flagging the President's social media posts as untrustworthy. Makes you think, doesn't it?
This incessant propaganda drumbeat makes it obvious that the mainstream media are taking their talking points from a central source, and parroting them like the obedient slaves to ideology that they've become. If there's no smoke without fire, the mainstream media are a raging conflagration, a progressive holocaust. You can't accept anything they're saying about the riots without first examining it very carefully, to strip away the partisan political rhetoric and get to the underlying facts. If you think that's merely an aberration, you have no idea what's going on.
(Want an example? Look at what Van Jones had to say on Friday about racism in America. Note his background, particularly in the Obama administration. Then consider Rahm Emanuel's [another leftist] oft-quoted dictum about never letting a serious crisis go to waste. Put two and two together. If you don't get four, you need math classes.)
Accusations that endemic racism in American society being to blame for the riots are nothing more than a pretext, an ideological fig-leaf to cover the planning and organization behind these events. To anybody with two working brain cells to rub together, the lie is obvious. As Sixties-era leftist activists knew (and recited repeatedly), "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows". "Spontaneous" protests are not this well arranged, so long in advance, needing only a spark to kindle the flame. The death of George Floyd provided that spark, and those behind the riots are fanning it into a roaring conflagration for all they're worth.
"But why now?" I hear readers ask. Why is this violence erupting at this time, rather than earlier or later? The reason isn't hard to find. Attorney-General Barr has been overseeing an investigation into the actions of the so-called "Deep State" and the Obama administration in the non-existent scandal over Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. The more that comes out about that scandal, the more it appears that very senior figures in the previous administration, and very senior officials in the executive branch, conspired to pervert the course of justice and overturn - or at least obstruct - the result of a democratic election. It appears very likely that criminal charges will result. The latest Senate inquiry into elements of the scandal is to open today. What better way to divert attention from the indefensible, almost certainly criminal actions of the progressive Left than to start a riot or three? If there's no connection between those elements, I'll go out and buy a hat so that I can eat it!
Heads need to roll over this series of events. Those heads should be those of the people who planned and organized this violence, and are still pulling the strings. If their heads roll in a literal sense, as well as a figurative one, I won't be upset. They deserve nothing less. They have blood on their hands - the blood of the victims of the riots - and should be treated accordingly.
The situation also has grave implications for our personal security. I'll address those in another article in a few hours' time. Meanwhile, "trust in God and keep your powder dry." You may need it.