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Thursday, June 11, 2020
Seattle: what did I tell you?
Yesterday I wrote that Seattle has abandoned the rule of law. It's allowed protesters to set up an "autonomous zone" in a six-block area of the city, and pulled police out of it. I warned of what was likely to occur - and guess what? It's already happening.
Headlines that tell the story:
There are already reports of violence being used to "enforce order" by local vigilantes, and that "some demonstrators on Capitol Hill are armed and trying to extort protection money from area businesses and residents". The protesters who've "taken over" (only to have their "control" hijacked by thugs with guns) are learning that "an armed and organized element with leadership that isn’t afraid to use violence pretty much trumps all the slogans and antifa bullsh** you can spout." Say it ain't so!
That's what happens when you negate the rule of law. Inevitably, the law of the jungle takes over. It's survival of the fittest and strongest. Bring them food, or be food for them. Chairman Mao said it well: "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun". The halfwits who proclaimed the "Autonomous Zone" are re-learning that lesson - and not just about power, either. They're also learning that if you try to help them, the grasshoppers will rob the ants blind.
They want food, do they? I have a suggestion. Let's each of us buy a packet of frozen peas, and transfer the contents to freezer containers so we can use them at our leisure. Then, let's mail the empty frozen-pea packets to the organizers of the Autonomous Zone (or perhaps to our local Antifa branches or Democratic Party offices), with a note reading "No Justice, NO PEAS!" I think we should make that go viral, so they're inundated with empty pea packets. It's no better than they deserve.
What about Seattle's police force? Their city leaders won't allow them to do their job. Therefore, those individual cops who still have a spine, and at least some professional pride, should resign from Seattle PD and take their services to places where it'll be appreciated and properly used. The others should follow the well-known precept of "Lead, follow, or get out of the way". They're not allowed to lead, and they have no effective leader to follow, so they should get out of the way and let citizens defend themselves - because it looks like nobody else is going to do it.
I said yesterday that "I'm a pastor and chaplain, and have my own perspective on what's happening - which does not involve violence unless in defense of my life, family and property." Getting rid of thugs with guns who are threatening me, and refusing to be intimidated into contributing to their support, most certainly falls under that defense, IMHO. I think it's time the good citizens of the "Autonomous Zone", and of Seattle as a whole (at least, those who haven't been brainwashed into abandoning their rights and responsibilities as citizens), banded together to reassert their own authority, and show these idiots where to go. If necessary, assist them to get there.
After that, elect or appoint city and state authorities who'll preserve the rule of law in future. I don't care what you do with the old ones. They're utter failures, and deserve no consideration at all.