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Friday, May 8, 2020

Has the FBI institutionalized malfeasance of office?

I'm glad that the Attorney General has withdrawn the charges against General Flynn:  but I'm sickened that they were ever brought at all.  The entire affair demonstrates that a major US government agency deliberately disregarded both the law and the facts in going after an individual for partisan political purposes.

Something has got to be done about this.  It's simply intolerable to think that those responsible can continue their lives and careers, getting away with their crimes - because they were crimes.  Be in no doubt about that.  If we allow them to pass now, then future administrations and bureaucrats and officials will take that as a sign that they, too, can get away with it.  Examples need to be made.  Heads need to roll - and very senior heads, at that - not only through dismissals, but through criminal prosecution, too.

Tucker Carlson put it very well.  Please take the time to watch the video below, if you haven't seen it already.  He hits all the right notes, IMHO.

Senior officials were willing to destroy the life and livelihood of an innocent man, in order to get at his boss.  Politics triumphed over the rule of law - at least in the past.  That may have been prevented, finally, in General Flynn's case . . . but there's nothing except the rule of law to prevent it happening again.  That's a very scary thought.  Therefore, that rule of law needs to be applied to the perpetrators.  It's as simple as that.
